How do you stop dogs from eating poop? This is a question that has been asked by many dog lovers. Does your dog’s big, sloppy kisses have an aroma similar to his farts? Chances are, he’s a poop eater. And, why is it that the biggest kissers seem to be the most avid poop lovers?
There are several types of dog poop eaters:
- Dogs that eat their own poop
- Dogs that eat other dog’s poop
- Dogs that eat all poop
Why Do Dogs Eat Dog Poop?
- Your dog could be gaining attention from eating poop. If you yell at him, he may see that as attention and it reinforces the behavior.
- Puppies may eat poop because they see their mothers doing it when she cleans them. Sometimes this behavior is then carried on into adulthood.
- Dogs may be imitating their owners when they see them cleaning up the poop in the yard.
- Dogs sometimes eat the poop of other, more dominant dogs in hopes of gaining some of that dominance themselves.
- Dogs may either be not getting enough food or not getting enough nutrition in their food.
- As much as we don’t understand the thought, some dogs may simply like the taste.
How To Stop Dogs From Eating Poop
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- Some dog owners try putting hot sauce on the dog poop in hopes of creating a negative deterrent that will last.
- Try changing to a high quality food with good nutritional value.
- If you only feed once a day, switch to feeding several times a day to keep the dog’s belly full.
- There are supplements available to help discourage poop eating.
Naturvet Coprophagia Deterrent Plus Breath Aid Soft Chew (Jar)
Only Natural Pet Stool Eating Deterrent
Nutri-Vet Nasty Habit Chewables, 120 Count
- Finally, keep an eye on your dog when he is outside and pick up any poop immediately before he notices the delightful aroma.
Learning how to stop dogs from eating poop will help in your journey to stop the bad habit. A little perseverance and you can once again enjoy your dog’s big, sloppy. wet kisses. Or, not! But, at least the kisses will smell better.
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