Choose The Best Hypoallergenic Dogs For Kids

Choosing the best hypoallergenic dogs for kids is an important step if your allergic child wants to have a dog in his life. Hypoallergenic dogs is a term that is not totally true.  No dog is completely hypoallergenic but some dogs are less likely to cause allergic reactions.  Do keep in mind; just because a dog is considered hypoallergenic does not make him the perfect dog for your child.  Anytime you are adding a dog to your family, there will be many considerations, including: the size of the dog, the activity level of the dog and how that matches your family’s lifestyle, and upkeep of the dog.  With these things in mind, let’s look at some of the best hypoallergenic dogs for kids and their particular characteristics.

What causes an allergy to dogs?

Dogs are typically the most common animal that causes allergies while cats, horses and other animals may also cause allergic reactions. Allergies can be triggered by a number of factors but there is no definitive answer on what specifically triggers an allergy to dogs in humans. Often people who have been living with pets for many years suddenly develop an allergy as their immune system changes over time or they are exposed to more allergens than before from different sources such as work, home environments etc…

Some characteristics of dog breeds might contribute towards making them ‘hypoallergenic’. These include furless coats (like poodles), short hair like terriers and low dander production – which refers to how much particles become airborne when it’s released from the animal’s skin.

What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic

While you may long to see your allergic child running along beside a beautiful Golden Retriever or friendly Labrador Retriever, it is not recommended for a child with allergies.  The Golden and Lab are huge shedders along with being big droolers.  Both breeds make great dogs for kids but not for a child with allergies.  But, there are some amazing hypoallergenic dog alternatives.

This brings us to what makes a dog be considered hypoallergenic.  Dogs that shed a lot of their hair are very allergenic due to the amount of dander that is also shed with the hair.  the more shed hair, the more dander.  Dander is the main culprit that affects allergies.  The other thing that causes allergies to flare is saliva from the dog.  Dogs that are big. slobbery droolers are out of the question for allergy sufferers;  think Saint Bernard, that would be a big NO!

So, the best hypoallergenic dogs for kids with allergies would be a low-shedding dog that does not slobber a lot.

Best Hypoallergenic Dogs For Kids With Allergies

  • Bichon FriseThe bichon is a small dog that especially seems to like kids.  With their tightly coiled wooly hair, they are non-shedders but will require regular brushing and grooming about once per month to avoid matting.

  • Yorkshire Terrier– the Yorkshire Terrier is a small, energetic dog that’s perfect for children. They are also considered to be hypoallergenic because they don’t have any heavy shedding or dander.  Yorkies make great dogs for older kids who want a pet but not something too demanding of their time and attention. The Yorkie is definitely one of the little dogs that is a good non-shedding choice.  Health issues of the breed include epilepsy, patellar luxation and hypothyroidism.
  • Poodle – Poodles come in several sizes, so there is a poodle to fit in all needs and lifestyles.  Sizes range from the Tiny Teacup Poodle, weighing 3-5 pounds to the Standard Poodle, weighing in at 70 pounds plus.  Poodles have tightly curled hair that does not shed but will mat if not regularly brushed and professionally groomed.  Often poodle owners choose to clip their dog’s hair close for easy maintenance.  Poodles generally are real clowns and enjoy playing with the children in the family. The poodle is usually easy to train. Health concerns in the breed include epilepsy, patellar luxation, and hypothyroidism.

  • Soft Coated Wheaten TerrierThe Wheaten Terrier is a dog that likes to be active and should be exercised daily. This hypoallergenic breed does well with kids and usually readily adapts to his environment, whether that be city life or country life.  This silky-coated dog needs regular brushing to prevent his hair from matting.

  • Portuguese Water DogThe Portuguese Water Dog is a larger breed that would do well in an active family who likes outdoor activities. This low-shed breed would make a great dog for kids who suffer from allergies.  This is the hypoallergenic dog that President Obama chose for his daughter who was allergic to dogs.  This breed requires grooming to keep his waterproof coat in top shape.

  • SchnauzerThe Schnauzer is an active breed that enjoys living in an active family with kids.  This hypoallergenic dog breed comes in three sizes; Miniature Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer and the Giant Schnauzer, so there is one for every age child.  The breed does require regular grooming to prevent his coat from matting.  The schnauzer tends to be a protective breed that will guard his family.

  • MalteseThe Maltese dog is small size dog and known to be brave and fearless.  This non-shedding dog would probably do best in a home with older children due to being more fragile despite the fact that they view themselves as big and bad.  The Maltese requires regular grooming of their silky hair.

  • Bedlington TerrierThe Bedlington Terrier has an appearance that reminds you of a lamb.  His soft, curly, wooly coat does require regular grooming.  His activity level is less demanding but he does enjoy a daily walk and play activity.

  • Irish Water SpanielThe Irish Water Spaniel is a happy go lucky dog that requires an active lifestyle.  This double-coated dog will need to be brushed regularly to keep his coat mat-free.

  • Spanish Water DogThe Spanish Water Dog is a highly active dog and will need a family that has an active lifestyle.  If hiking, boating or running is a part of your life, this non-shedding dog will fit right into your family.  The breed tends to have a naturally protective nature.  The Spanish Water Dog does not require as much grooming as some of the other hypoallergenic dog breeds but should be shaved yearly.

  • Kerry Blue Terrier The Kerry Blue Terrier is an active dog who loves to have fun with his family.  His coat will require regular brushing and grooming.

The Crossbred Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Kids

Crossbreeding of various dogs with the poodle has become quite popular in recent years. This is mainly due to the desire to create a more allergy-free breed.  As with all dogs, you will not be getting a completely allergy-free dog, but it brings you closer to achieving it.  It should be noted that the second generation of these dogs is where the lessening of allergens kick in. Both of these breeds are considered great hypoallergenic dogs for kids. Generally, crossbred dogs tend to be more-free of health concerns due to the diluting of any health issues of a singular breed.  However, the dog is still susceptible to the health concerns of each breed he is mixed with.  

  • Labradoodle – The Labradoodle when bred with a poodle can produce offspring that are considered to be hypoallergenic.  With this dog, you have the sweet, kid-friendly nature of the Lab, combined with the non-shedding characteristic of the poodle.  This dog will also need regular grooming and brushing to prevent matting, especially if they have inherited the curly coat of the poodle parent.
  • Goldendoodle – What could be more adorable than the combination of the sweet golden retriever and a poodle?  Not much!  Goldens are also usually gentle-natured and very loyal to their kid.  Again, regular grooming is necessary to keep that gorgeous coat mat-free.


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According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, as many as 3 in 10 allergic people in the United States have an allergic reaction to dogs and cats.  The hair itself is not the culprit but the saliva, dander, pollens, and dust that cling to it.  This is why it is important to bathe and groom your dog on a regular basis.  Between grooming, use grooming wipes to gently remove allergens from your dog’s coat.


Helping Your Child Live With Allergies to Dogs

  • Carefully research and select from the best hypoallergenic dogs for kids.  If possible, have your child spend some time with the dog before committing to adopting it.
  • Regularly groom your dog to remove allergens and keep the hair mat-free.  Many non-shedding dogs are double-coated.  The hair does shed but instead of dropping loose, it mats under the top layer.  Use a brush meant for the purpose of removing the undercoat.  I like the Pet Grooming Tool with the Two-sided Undercoat Rake.
  • Develop a housecleaning routine to minimize allergens.

Reducing allergy symptoms from your dog in your home:

-Place a HEPA filter in your bedroom and the room where you spend most of your time. This will remove allergens from air as they enter through heating or cooling vents, doors, windows etc.

-Keeping your home clean and as dust free as possible will also help reduce allergens. Vacuum regularly and consider getting a HEPA vacuum cleaner to remove dust, hair and dander from carpets as well as furniture surfaces.

-Keep pets off of upholstered furniture and mattresses if possible or get slipcovers which are washable for the purposes of cleaning.

-Bathe your dog weekly with hypoallergenic shampoo (and use antihistamine treatments) in order to keep them free of excess oils, dirt and bacteria that can trigger allergies in people around your home; this is especially important when it’s time for allergy season!

Give the idea of dog ownership careful thought before deciding to add a dog to your family. A dog should be a lifetime commitment once he becomes yours. It is very stressful and hurtful for the dog to be brought into a family, only to be given away if problems arise. If you know someone that owns one of the breeds considered hypoallergenic, ask if you can bring your child for several short visits. Allow your child to interact and play with the dog to see if any allergy symptoms appear. Sort of a test drive. Spend as much time as you can with the non-shedding or less allergen type of dogs to get a good idea of what works with your child.

Although some allergic children may not be able to live with a dog, many can with the proper preparation and care.  With careful selection and care, your child with an allergy to dogs may soon be romping and playing with his new best friend with less or no allergy symptoms. Spend as much time as you can with the non-shedding or less allergen type of dogs to get a good idea of what works with your child. Don’t skimp on the time spent looking for the new less dander family member to add to your family. The time spent looking for a hypoallergenic dog will lead you to the perfect canine companion to add to the family.

Hypoallergenic Dogs – Dogs for Allergy Sufferers

Hypoallergenic dogs or non-shedding dogs are terms used to describe a breed of dog that is safer for people with allergies. No dog breed is 100% allergy-free.

Highly allergic people may always be affected to some degree, while those with mild allergies may tolerate specific dogs quite well.

The allergen for most people is not the hair but the protein formed by the dog’s saliva and dander. Protein production can differ between dogs so each dog can affect allergic individuals to varying degrees.

Even hypoallergenic dog breeds that are considered non-shedding, have saliva and dander. And the reality is that all dogs shed somewhat, including non-shedding dogs.

Non-allergenic dog breeds are a good starting point in your quest for the best dog breeds for allergy sufferers. You won’t be able to stop dog shedding entirely. Just impossible; we all lose some of our hair and your dog is no different. And there is still the dander and saliva to contend with.

Three Factors That Make a Dog Worse for Allergy Sufferers

  1. The size of the dog can be a factor because the largest dogs have the most body surface, thus more area to contain dander. Smaller dogs naturally have less dander. A small hairless dog conditioned with oils will have the least amount of allergens.
  2. Dogs spending much time outside can pick up outdoor pollens and other allergens, bringing them back in on their feet and fur.
  3. Dogs that bark a lot can disperse saliva and shake off dander. Opt for a calm dog.

To start you in the right direction in making the best possible choice, we have compiled a list of those considered to be hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

 Medium Hypoallergenic Dogs

Large Hypoallergenic Dogs

These are but a few of the dogs thought to be typically hypoallergenic.  Others include: Bichon Frise, Brussels Griffon, Bedlington Terrier, Barbet, American Hairless Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Chinese Crested and the Irish Water Spaniel.

Are the Goldendoodle and Labradoodle Hypoallergenic?

The answer to this is, maybe.  These combo dogs are as cute as can be.  They combine the intelligence of the Poodle with the agreeable, friendly nature of the Labrador Retriever or the Golden Retriever.  This makes for a wonderful family dog and a fantastic kids’ dog.  Whether they are hypoallergenic or not can depend on whether they are first-generation or beyond.  It can be questionable with first-generation breeding.  Ask questions of the breeder.

Try to introduce the new dog into your home on a trial basis, carefully monitoring any effects on the allergic person.

Once you have chosen from among the non-allergic dog breeds and determined that dog fits in with your lifestyle, there are things you can do to help reduce allergens caused by the dog.

Allergies to Dogs do Not Mean You Can’t Have a Dog

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Grooming Your Dog to Lessen Dog Hair Allergies

  • Bathe your dog several times a month, using a mild shampoo.  I use and really like Jax and Daisy Dog Shampoo.  Not only is this shampoo mild; it also has anti-itch components, to help keep your dog from scratching so much.  Scratching naturally disperses dander into the air, creating more allergy opportunities.


  • Brush your dog regularly to eliminate excess hair before it gets the opportunity to float into the air.  Use a grooming tool specially made to get the hair loose and removed.  I love this Pet Grooming Brush.  Works great on my three furry creatures to remove the hair before it makes it’s way to the furniture and floors and the air I breathe.

Selecting The Right Furniture Can Help With Dog Hair Shedding

Learn to recognize furniture that is best if you have a shedding dog.  Leather, vinyl or similar smooth surface furniture is more dog hair friendly.  A damp cloth will easily remove any dog hair left behind.  Fabric upholstered furniture allows the hair to become trapped within the fibers, making it more difficult to remove.

For help with eliminating dog hair in your home see How to Get Rid of Dog Hair.

Dog Training Can be The Best Ally For People Allergic to Dogs

Dog training may seem a bit of a surprise element when dealing with the topic of dogs and allergies.  However, it is quite an important piece of the allergy solution.  Training your dog to stay off the furniture and off of his humans will help to keep the hair off of you.  I say this with a bit of guilt since I am totally guilty of allowing my dogs to jump all over me and lounge on the furniture.  I do have a sensitivity to the dog hair and dander but not severe,  If your allergies are more advanced, you may want to do as I suggest and not as I do.

Best Hypoallergenic Dogs For Kids

The best hypoallergenic dog breed for kids is dependent on the size of the children and the lifestyle of your family. Smaller dogs should not generally be in a home with toddlers as the child can easily fall on the dog resulting in injury to the dog.  With smaller kids, it may be a better choice to opt for a medium-sized dog amongst the kid-friendly dog breeds that don’t shed.  All the dogs listed below are generally good with kids although each dog is an individual, with his own personality.

Top 3 Medium Sized Dogs That Don’t Shed

  • Bedlington Terrier – These good-natured, intelligent dogs resemble wooly lambs.  The Bedlington Terrier is a light shedder, resulting in fewer allergy problems for his people.  As in the case of most terriers, the Bedlington should get some exercise each day to work off the energy his active mind requires.  If you are a working family, be sure to walk or play actively with the dog each day, which shouldn’t be a problem with kids in the family.
  • Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier – Another great terrier breed that is kid-friendly, happy dog and does not shed.  True to the terrier nature, the Soft-Coated Wheaten is intelligent and active, requiring some vigorous exercise or activity each day.
  • Portuguese Water Dog – A great choice for allergy-prone people, the Portuguese Water Dog was the breed chosen by the Obamas for their allergic daughter.  Bet they did some research! A highly active dog, the Portuguese Water Dog does require vigorous daily exercise.  An active family would be best for this dog.  Hikes in the woods or trips to the lake would be this dog’s dream. This dog generally loves kids and it’s tightly curled hair is non-shedding.  A water lover, the Portuguese Water Dog loves to go for a swim or wade.  Mud puddles will usually suffice, so watch out when it rains.  Bet the kids AND the dog would love that!

Top 3 Small Dogs That Don’t Shed

  • Bichon Frison – This hypoallergenic dog is a tiny ball of white fluff that is affectionate and cheerful.  The Bichon tends to be fearless as many smaller dogs are, not appearing totally aware of their tiny structure.  A playful, gentle dog, he will do better in a home without very small kids due to the possibility of his being hurt while dancing under the kids as they run and play.
  • Toy Poodle – The Toy Poodle is exceptionally smart and active.  Extremely loyal to his owner, as are all sizes of Poodles,  he will want to be by your side and can become your child’s best friend.  This dog requires regular exercise to keep him happy and should be professionally groomed regularly to keep his hair mat-free.  The Poodle comes in a Medium and Standard (large) size also, so can be a great non-shedding, hypoallergenic dog for people who want a bit more size in their dog.
  • Yorkshire Terrier – The Yorkie has long, silky, brow-silver hair that does not shed.  He will need to be brushed regularly to keep his hair tangle-free.  This tiny dynamo is fearless, playful and affectionate.  Walks and a little play with a ball or squeaky toy will keep him happy.

Top 3 Large Dogs That Don’t Shed

  • Standard Schnauzer – A family-protective, hypoallergenic dog that is highly intelligent and active, requiring an active family that will play with and walk him regularly. 
  • Standard Poodle – Like the smaller poodles, the Standard Poodle is smart and active.  He will enjoy long walks and daily romps with the kids.
  • Afghan Hound – The Afghan Hound is a gorgeous dog with long, flowing hair.  The most well-known color is blonde with a black mask on the face area.  There is also a black or silver coloration. Although beautiful, this non-shedding dog also tends to be headstrong and loves to run.  Unfortunately, not known to listen well, the Afghan Hound often chooses to continue running, even when called.  For this reason, you will need a sturdy fence for this breed.  It would be best if your kids are responsible and not likely to leave the gate or door open.

Most all non-shedding or hypoallergenic dogs require regular grooming, including bathing, brushing and trims to keep the hair mat-free.  Some of the dogs, though technically non-shedding, have double coats that will shed and mat under the topcoat. This makes them more likely to tangle.  

Allergies to dogs do not necessarily mean you can’t have a dog as part of your family.  It may take some extra effort on your part, beginning with selecting the best dog for allergy sufferers.  Once you have your best dog, good grooming habits, wise furniture selection, and proper cleaning will help to assure you have a long and happy life with your dog.

REMEMBER:  Most of the hypoallergenic dogs listed are purebred but you do not need to buy from a breeder or pet store.  Shelters across the country are full of these non-shedding dogs.  Visit one in your area and spend time with the dogs to find your new best hypoallergenic friend.

Best Dogs For Children

You’ve decided to get the kids a dog. Great! Now it is important to find the best dogs for children. There are many things to consider. We’ll help you with the information you need to make the best choice.

First, make sure you are getting a dog for the right reasons. Consider the following before moving forward:

  • Don’t get a dog to teach the kids responsibility. The dog deserves an owner that is already responsible, not one that is learning on him.
  • Don’t get a dog simply because the kids have “worn you down.”

Deciding on the Best Dogs For Children Requires Careful Consideration

Okay, so you’ve decided that you are getting a dog for all the right reasons. But how do you determine which are the best dogs for children? There is no clear-cut fool-proof answer to that but armed with the right facts, you will be on the right path to a good choice.

Although some breeds are known to usually be good dog breeds for children, each individual dog will need to be evaluated on it’s own. Consider the following:

Best Dogs For Small Children

Larger dogs can easily knock into a smaller child, pushing them to the ground. Though most kids will simply get back up, ready for more, some children will become frightened by this doggy enthusiasm.

On a similar note, small dogs can be injured when a rough and tumble child falls onto them.
Try to match the size and energy level of the dog to your child.

Sometimes it is just better to put off adding a dog to your family until your child is a bit older.

Can A Puppy Be Amongst The Best Dogs For Children

Can there be anything cuter than a puppy? YES, a puppy and kids, romping, rolling, running and playing together. But, puppies are also usually rambunctious, untrained and time consuming. Do you have the time to devote to obedience training and housebreaking? Are you prepared for the possibility of chewed furniture and shoes?

Puppies are best suited to households where adults are home most of the day to see to their needs. Raising your kids and dog together is a neat experience and can create a strong loving bond between child and dog as long as the parents have the extra time to devote.

Sometimes An Adult Dog Is The Best Dog For Children

Consider an adult dog also. Many of these more mature dogs have had some training, perhaps have previously lived with a child and have come through some of the rambunctious stage. They are usually calmer than a puppy and their temperament has already been established.

Temperament and Personality Will Help Determine the Best Dog For Your Child

Opt for a laid back attitude when selecting your new dog. Some dogs are okay with anything and adjust well to whenever the kids want to play, run, bounce and jump. They may think it is great fun when their kid uses his doggy body for a toy truck ramp. Other dogs only want to play on their own terms and some dogs can be down-right irritated when the children of the house interrupt a doggy nap. (HINT: This later type may be better in a childless or older child home.)

Best dogs for children need to be ready (although maybe not thrilled) to participate in tea parties, dress-up and maybe even some nail painting sessions.

Kid’s dogs should have lots of energy to withstand hours of play. In short, the best dog for children needs to be a superdog because he’ll have the awesome responsibility of being a super best friend to the best kid in the world, YOURS!

Although there are many popular dogs that are known to be good dog breeds for children, everyone has their own idea on child friendly dog breeds..

Best Places To Get A Dog For Your Child

  1. Dog Rescue Groups

    – I believe rescue groups are the number one best place to begin your search for a dog for a child.  Do your research for reputable rescue groups in your area.  Ask around and gather information about the groups.  Call the groups and/or visit their websites to find out how they operate.  You want a rescue group that cares about their dogs and who they are placed with.  The best groups will: temporarily house their dogs in good foster homes where the dogs will learn to live in a family situation,  make sure their dogs are fully vetted, vaccinated and spayed or neutered before being adopted,  require an extensive adoption application with veterinarian references

  2. Dog Shelters

    – Shelters are full of many wonderful dogs needing homes.  Some shelters are very good and have workers and volunteers that work with the dogs to determine their personalities and suitability for children.  Unfortunately, there are bad shelters who just bring the dogs in and send them out without much human contact or concern.  Even the good shelters are often so understaffed that the dogs do not get as much interaction as they should.

  3. Private Dog Breeders

    – Although I firmly believe rescue groups and good shelters are the best places to look for a dog for your kids, private breeders can be another option, provided you check out the breeder carefully to determine they are not simply running an operation that continuously breeds their dogs to obtain as much profit as possible.  If they are repeatedly advertising puppies for sale, chances are the breeder is a puppy mill, which is to be avoided at all costs.Dogs from puppy mill operations are born to mothers that are usually always caged and provided minimal care and contact.  They are there as “breeding machines” to make the breeder profit.  These dogs are usually never bathed, groomed, vetted or exercised.  The moms are often discarded when they can no longer be profitable.  The puppies born at these operations are likely to be sickly and have congenital defects.  The Amish are huge contributors to the puppy mill industry.  Behind their pristine perfect homes with the perfect green meadows, they will have a building full of puppies and pregnant females, living in their own waste and their feet will never be allowed to touch or run on that perfect grass.A responsible breeder will care about the breed and their puppies, caring for them within a family situation, where the will have family interaction.  They will make sure their pups are vetted and vaccinated before leaving and obtain a complete reference and Vet check on potential adopters.  Many good breeders will also require their adopters to sign an agreement to return the dog if for whatever reason they can no longer keep him.  They care about their dogs!


    Pet stores usually obtain their puppies from puppy mill operations.  The puppies are often sick or will show signs of illness very shortly after purchase.  If you are looking at the pet stores because you simply must have a purebred dog, remember; many rescue groups and shelters do have purebred dogs too.  And, some rescue groups are breed-specific and as such, take in adult dogs and puppies of a specific breed.  Do your research and google the breed you are looking for along with the words “rescue group.”

    Also, keep in mind, a mutt can be the best “breed” you could ever add to your family.  And, dogs with several breeds in their genetics are often healthier than purebred dogs since they will not have too much of any one breed, along with the genetic predisposition of that breed’s health problems.

    With the proper planning and research, you can find your best dog for your children.  Whether it turns out to be a purebred, mutt, large dog or small dog, he will give you many happy years of love.  The best dog for children is different for everyone, depending on your situation.  He will never stop loving you.  Teach your children to respect and care for their dog in a loving way and he will be their best friend for life.

Allergy To Dogs Does Not Mean You can’t Have a Dog

Living With An Allergy to Dogs

For people with an allergy to dogs, allergy season lasts all year. A dog is without a doubt man’s best friend, which is why it is so devastating when people find out that they have allergies to the dogs they love.

There are no words to describe how devastating it is to have to choose between your health and the furriest member of your family. This is the reality for many doting pet owners each year. But there is good news for dog owners; living with dog allergies is possible. As long as the person is not experiencing a serious allergic reaction, like asthma attacks or severe hives, they stand a good chance of being able to deal with their allergy to dogs in a safe and painless way.

Medical findings have made it easier to lessen the allergic reaction of dog allergies. Doctors have found that allergy medication can reduce your symptoms. But they also say that medication alone will probably not be the complete answer to your allergy to dogs.

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Dog Allergy Remedies

    • Wash your dog at least monthly to remove pet dander. Brush your dog daily to remove loose hair. Do this chore outdoors when the weather permits. A tool I like to use for brushing my dogs is the FURminator  deShedding Tool. There are models for long hair, short hair and in-between. This amazing tool really gets a huge amount of loose hair off the dogs.

Shark Rocket TruePet Ultra-Light Upright (HV322)Dyson DC50 Ball Compact Animal Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Iron/Purple – CordedLaifug 45DHI Premium Memory Foam Orthopedic Extra Large Pet/Dog Bed (Chocolate 46Thermal Warming Pad for Dogs and Cats – XL Couch Protecting Pet Bed- Machine WashableGermGuardian AC5250PT 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with Pet Pure True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer and Odor Reduction, 28-Inch Digital Tower Air PurifierAutomatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner for Automated Home Cleaning on Carpet and Hardwood Floor – HEPA Filter Pet Hair and Allergy Friendly – PureClean PUCRC25FURminator de Shedding Tool and FurVac Comb for Large Dogs with Short HairFURminator 10747 Long Hair Deshedding Tool for Dogs, Medium


  • Launder pet beds in hot soapy water several times a week. Large towels or small blankets make nice, washable beds.  There are also some excellent pet beds available that are durable and washable.
  • Use hard flooring surfaces in your home whenever possible. Wood and tile floors clean up so easily with a damp mop. Carpets tend to harbor pet hair as well as other yucky things.
  • Invest in a good vacuum cleaner that is designed to pick up pet hair, especially if you have carpeting. My favorites and the ones I own are the Dyson DC50Animal Ball-Technology Vacuum Cleaner and the Shark Rocket True Pet Ultra Vacuum. These pet vacuums truly do pick up an amazing amount of dog hair from my wood floors as well as the carpet in my bedroom.
  • Install hepa filters in your heating and air conditioning units. Hepa filters are capable of trapping the minutest particles of dander and dust before they enter your air and settle on surfaces. Be sure to check the filters several times a month to determine if they need replaced.
  • Invest in an air purifier. We did this and it has made such a difference in our air quality and helped to lessen the stuffiness we suffer from due to sharing our home with four dogs and two birds. These are air purifiers we recommend.
  • Switch to leather furniture if you like the look of it. Leather is so easy to just wipe clean of pet hair and dander with a damp cloth. Fabric upholstery should be wiped with a damp cloth and vacuumed regularly if you have an allergy to dogs. Opt for slipcovers which are easy to remove and wash. Lay out your cushions onto a clean sheet spread in the yard. Do this several times a month during nice weather.
  • Keep hard surfaces wiped clean with a damp cloth. Using an anti-static spray when dusting will help to lessen the attraction of dust.
  • Keep your dog out of your bedroom. This can be difficult. Ask me how I know! We sleep with two Labs which definitely contributes to stuffed up sinuses in the morning and a not so restful sleep. In this case, I’m better at telling others what to do than actually doing it myself. I just can’t say no, but hopefully you can. It will help. However, if you do give in to the pleading eyes and whimpers, encourage the dog to sleep on his own bed or place a sheet across your bed for him to slumber on. Then you can just toss it in the wash on a regular basis. Be sure to move the air purifier I mentioned earlier, into the bedroom at night. Better yet, buy an extra one to keep there.

If you are just considering adding a dog to your family, check out our article on Hypoallergenic Dogs for some suggested breeds least likely to cause problems for those with an allergy to dogs.

Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher Quick Facts:

* First dog developed to hunt mice/rats

* Origin in Germany about 1836

* Pinscher is a German word for terrier

* Known as the King/Queen” of Toy Dog Breedsminiature-pinscher

* First entered the Westminster Dog Show in 1930

* Life Span 15 + years. A long healthy life for the Miniature Pinscher can be aided by feeding the best dog food, daily exercise and regular Vet check-ups.

Miniature Pinscher Appearance:

* Small, muscular, compact body

* Long legs

* 10 – 12 inches high Weighs 8 – 10 lbs.

* Short, easy to maintain coat

* Normal coat color is red but may also be black & tan or chocolate

Miniature Pinscher Temperament:

* Friendly, full of energy, loves to play.

* Generally prefers to be a one or two person dog but with the proper socialization, they can be very good family dogs.

* Outgoing and clever

* Excellent watch dogs

* Brave and loyal to their masters

* Makes a great canine companion

Miniature Pinscher Potential Health Issues:

* Very few health problems. Generally a healthy breed.

Special Needs:

* Needs regular exercise

* May not be the best dog for apartment living unless you can commit to daily exercise

* This toy dog breed tends to be very aggressive with its’ toys. Make sure smaller toys are chewable.

* Prone to chasing anything that moves or darts. Need to walk on dog leash and make sure yard is securely fenced.


Maltese Quick Facts

* One of the gentlest of all Toy Dog Breeds

* One of the oldest dog breeds; oldest record of this dog dates back to around 500 BC

* Comes from the Central Mediterranean area

* Known as the Ancient Dog of Maltamaltese

* Choice dog of royalty; the Aristocrat of the Dog World for over 28 centuries

* First entered in the Westminster Dog Show in 1879

* Life Span 15 or more years, 18 years not unheard of

Maltese Appearance:

* Pure white or light ivory coat

* Weight 3 – 7 lbs. Height 8 – 10 inches

* Hair, if not cut, should brush the ground about 8-1/2″

Maltese Temperament:

* Thrives on love and attention

* Devotedmaltese2

* Playful, lively, yappy

* Can be snappy with kids if not socialized as puppy

* Very intelligent dogmaltesedogs

* Humans must be master or the dog will take over

* Loves to play outside and jump in puddles

Maltese Potential Health Issues:

* Sunburn

* Skin problems

* Respiratory, eye and tooth problems

* Discomfort in hot weather

* Needs to be kept dry

Special Needs:

* Prone to sunburn (do not leave outside for extended periods)

* Avoid going out in weather extremes; needs to be kept out of damp areas and is uncomfortable in heat

* Dry well after bathing and clean ears

* Long hair needs groomed regularly

Japanese Chin

Japanese Chin Quick Facts:

* An Aristocratic of the Toy Dog Breeds

* Origins in China around 732; Came to Japan around the year 1000

* Dogs of Japanese Royaltyjapanese-chin

* Became popular around 1853 when the Japanese Chin was offered as a gift to Queen Victoria from Commodore Perry.

* First entered the Westminster Dog Show in 1877; one of the first toy dog breeds entered in the competition.

* Known as the Japanese Spaniel from 1877 – 1977.

* Lifespan – averages less than 10 years. You can contribute to your dog living his longest and healthiest life possible by feeding the best dog food, frequent exercise and regular Vet check-ups.

Japanese Chin Appearance:

* Distinctive Oriental expression with protruding eyes

* Body is as long as it is high

* Average weight is 4 – 11 lbs Height 7 – 11 inches

* Coat is white with colored patches, mostly black but can feature colors such as lemon, sable, brindle and orange. Coat is soft and feathered and has no odor.

Japanese Chin Temperament:

* Quiet, will bark only to alert the household

* Considered one of the best dog breeds for families

* Cat-like; can climb chain link fences, likes to rest on the backs of sofs and chairs and washes it’s face with it’s paws.

* Great companian, loving and loyal

* Bred to love and entertain, loves to be center of attention.

* Clean and obedient

Japanese Chin Potential Health Issues:

* Eye and respiratory problems

* Heat Prostration

Special Needs:

* Needs to be brushed daily

* Face around the eyes needs to be cleaned regularly because of moisture in the eyes.

* Need to take special care to avoid excess heat.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested Quick Facts:

* Originated in China in the 1920’s

* Two varieties; the Hairless and Powderpuff (with hair)

* The Hairless is one of the non allergic dog breeds while the Powderpuff sheds litle and is considered one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds (low allergy).chinese-crested

* The Hairless and Powderpuff can come from the same litter.

* The most popular of the hairless dog breedschinesecrested

* Has no dog odor

* Admitted to AKC in 1981

* First shown at Westminster Dog Show in 1992

* Has won 8 World’s Ugliest Dog contests

* Life Span – Up to 15 years. Feeding the best dog food possible, exercise and regular Vet check-ups will help to assure a long, healthy life.

Chinese Crested Appearance:

* Hairless Chinese Crested has soft human-like skin, fur on paws and long hair on the head (crest) and tail. Lacks a full set of teeth.

* Powderpuff Chinese Crested has a thick double coat.

* Not prone to fleas and ticks.

* Height 10 inches. Weight not over 10 lbs.

Chinese Crested Temperament:

* Loving, playful, loves to hug.

* Loves children but children must be careful with them because they are fragile.

* Very attached to owners.

* Alert and entertaining, easily taught tricks.

* Not barkers

* A great family dog

* Loves to dig and climb.

Chinese Crested Potential Health Issues:

* Primitive mouth (pointed teeth), missing or crowded teeth (Puffs have fewer problems)

* Eye problems

* Allergic to wool and lanolin

Special Needs:

* The Hairless Crested needs regular skin massages with body oil and needs to be bathed frequently.

* Can get acne and sunburns easily. Be careful not to expose to the sun for extended periods.

* Powderpuffs need brushed regularly.

* Need frequent walks (active dogs)